Overvalued Sears Property
Paulo Santos makes the case that Sears real estate is carried on the books at or above market values, dispelling the notion that Sears has a lot of undervalued real estate. Santos notes that Sears wrote up its real estate to its fair market value as of March 24, 2005. The recession that followed diminished property values across the board. Using Moodys/REAL commercial property index (CPPI) he shows that Retail property values are 18.8 percent lower today than they were in March 2005 and despite some correction be Sears in the form of depreciation, Santos argues that Sears property remains overvalued today.
With respect to hidden positive value in long-term leases, Santos cites the most recent 10-K to show that Sears also wrote up the leases and despite the fact that the write-ups took place at a time of higher interest rates, correcting for the rates is insufficient to compensate for the changes in the market since then. Furthermore, there is also some hidden negative value in leases of unattractive property that would currently rent for less.
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Last Updated on March 11, 2012 by Ramin Seddiq