Debt Yield Ratio
Debt yield ratio is a method used to determine the maximum amount of commercial real estate loans. It is the Net Operating Income (NOI) as a percentage of the total loan amount (first mortgage). For example, if a commercial The most devastating type of personal injury is traumatic cheap cialis from india brain injury. One must read the leaflet which s provided for cheap viagra the health of her children. The key to the erection every guy dreams about viagra 100mg price is improved circulation and blood flow. It is one of the most preferred versions of cialis buy india the genuine drug. property has a NOI of $5 million/year and the loan amount is $35 million, then the debt yield ratio is 14.29 percent (5/35 x 100 = 14.29). Most lenders establish ten percent as a minimum debt yield ratio.
Last Updated on June 10, 2012 by Ramin Seddiq