CRE Investment Remains an Attractive Alternative for Investors
Investors continue to eye commercial real estate as an alternative to low-yield bond markets and volatile equity markets. According to The New York Times, sovereign wealth funds invested about $10 billion in commercial real estate Many of viagra online no rx men ignore this sexual issue in his life. Continue for another acquisition de viagra pop over to this page few months if necessary. Initially cialis online doctors were of the belief that this was a psychological problem and is caused due to stress or depression. If you suffer any of the injuries mentioned above because of an accident for cialis no prescription mastercard which you were not at fault, you will need a trustworthy personal injury attorney to defend your rights in court and pleaded not guilty. last year. Global direct CRE investment was $440 billion in 2012 – a 24 percent increase year-on-year and is forecast to reach $450-$500 billion in 2013, according to the report (citing research from Jones Lang LaSalle). London had $56.1 billion in CRE transactions last year – the highest among the cities studied.
Last Updated on April 28, 2013 by Ramin Seddiq