Business Wire reports – referring to data from an Ernst & Young survey – that investors believe the nonperforming CRE loan market will remain active for two to four more years. Last year saw investment activity at its highest level since the aforementioned survey began and the expectation is that sales volume will remain high in 2012. The reasons cited are:
1. The high volume of CRE loans maturing in the next five years (close to $1 trillion).
2. The existence of more than $100 billion nonperforming loans (NPLs) on the banks’ books.
3. The high number of FDIC- designated “problem banks” and their potential for selling off both individual NPLs and NPL portfolios.
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4. The construction loans and development and acquisition loans held by regional and local banks. These loans constitute both a significant portion of the CRE loan market and a significant portion of the distressed loan market and they are attracting the attention of investors.
5. The probability that European banks will restructure their balance sheets and place NPL portfolios on the market – portfolios that may be attractive to US investors because of high returns.
6. A higher success rate in purchasing NPLs and NPL portfolios.